Best of 2014: Redeemer’s First Baptisms – Thursday

Redeem the Commute is a mobile app and web site for busy commuters. We like to call our marriage, parenting and Christianity 101 courses life changing, but is it true? April’s story is one of life change. She started taking the Christianity 101 course in the fall of 2013, and encountered the story of God’s […]
Christmas – Thursday

We’ve talked this week about toys that mimic real life, but are missing the key ingredient – even though it might bring danger and difficulty. I’m not here to rant about the toys of today and tell you they’re better or worse than before, like some kind of grinch. I’d rather talk about emptiness of […]
Jesus: God in the Flesh – Thursday

Yesterday, we learned about the humbling sacrifice it took for God to come to earth, as Jesus, born a human baby in awful circumstances. We aren’t the first to notice. We see this documented beautifully in the writing of Paul, an early Christian teacher and leader. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Healer in the World – Thursday

Finally, Jesus arrives at the bedside of the little girl. He touches her – making himself unclean. Horrify his fellow Jews. A great religious teacher should know better, and leave touching the corpse to those who will entomb her. And why? He’s never met her, and she’s already dead. They are already grieving, something that […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting King in the World – Thursday

The idea of Jesus as a king has something really valuable to add to our picture of Jesus. We can learn from teachers, then go home and rest. A first century Jewish person can visit a priest at the temple, and travel home to our towns. Jesus as the light can feel very philosophical, Jesus […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Friend in the World – Thursday

We’ve already explored Jesus’ definition of deep, loving friendship – to lay down one’s life for his friends. Looking back, of course, we can see that when he said that, he knew what was coming for him. Within just a few days, he was crucified. He intended to lay his life down for his friends, […]
Jesus: The Light of the World – Thursday

Jesus said: In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. We’re so used to people doing good things to get noticed. We may do good things to earn some community service, a paycheque, recogition, etc. A couple […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Prophet in the World – Thursday

Some people might want to identify Jesus as a prophet who spoke for God, and nothing more. But there is more going on here – Jesus was also showing in this week’s story that he is a prophet, priest and king. Just before this story, he arrived on a donkey in the capital, Jerusalem. He […]
Jesus: The Most Powerful Man in the World – Thursday

This week we’re exploring a story in the Bible where Jesus is sleeping on a boat, and his disciples are terrified by a storm. When they wake Jesus up to save them, he scolds them for being afraid and not having enough faith. Is he suggesting they need more trust in things unseen, as many […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Priest in the World – Thursday – Act On It

We’re talking about Jesus as a Priest this week. When you hear priest, you may think of Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican priests in modern times. But these are different from priests in the Jewish world of Jesus’ time. The fact we use the same English word does confuse this issue. The Jewish priests stood […]
Thursday – Act On It – Foundation

Spiritual real estate agents will tell you to build your life on their teaching, but you need to know if it’s sandy or solid. I’d encourage you to do a spiritual home inspection. That’s the point of the entire Sermon on the Mount: Don’t just look at the outer appearances…religious membership or observances. Your following […]
Thursday – Act On It – Forgiver

Yesterday we read a story about Jesus having a meal at the home of Simon, a Pharisees or religious lawyer. A woman, known to be a sinner (this is probably a euphemism for prostitute), came and washed his feet, and anointed them with oil. This was over the top hospitality, that Simon had not shown […]
Thursday – Act On It – Teacher We’re studying a story this week where Jesus described the reasons for his (at times confusing) teaching style. We learned that those looking for God’s kingdom would find it in Jesus and his teaching, but those looking for knowledge, moralism or wealth would walk away confused. So, what is the seed? It is the […]
Thursday – Act On It – Revolutionary

We asked yesterday, why Jesus seemed to be leading a revolution without using any of the usual methods of violence, coercion, hatred, etc. In Jesus, the kingdom that he is proclaiming is deeply connected to the means by which he will bring it in. If the Kingdom of God is a place of peace, freedom […]
Thursday – Act On It – Shepherd

Heaven is a party. Jesus is wanting to see his kingdom come, on earth, as it is in heaven. Following him is about copying heaven. If God and the angels are having a great party in heaven every time someone meets Jesus, repents of sin and lives a new life in him, so should we. […]