Best of 2014: Reset Body & Food – Monday

Hi! Welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, you host for the daily challenges. These daily challenges are meant to help people explore what it means to follow Jesus even during our busy commuting lifestyle. If you’ve never looked into what that means in the first place, I’d really encourage you, check out our Christianity […]
Christmas – Monday

In just a few days, many homes will find children sprinting for the Christmas tree to open presents. There might be a few surprises and classics, but there will also be the year’s hot new toys, demanded by children who’ve seen the amazing commercials on TV. One year, I noticed a theme running through the […]
Jesus: God in the Flesh – Monday This is our last week in our fall 2014 series – Jesus the Most Interesting Man in the World. Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen: Jesus as Protector and Guide (Shepherd) Jesus as Revolutionary Jesus as Teacher Jesus as Forgiver Jesus as our Foundation (Rock) Jesus as Priest and Sacrifice Jesus as Powerful […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Healer in the World – Monday

This week’s topic is Jesus as the Most Interesting Healer in the World. This may set off alarm bells for you, perhaps having been Faith healers on TV. Jesus is a healer who gets his hands dirty. We need healing in our world. That is pretty self-evident, but the chief example right now is Ebola. […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting King in the World – Monday

We don’t hear a lot about kings in our society. If you’re a Canadian under age 62, you’ve never sung God save the King, only God Save the Queen (if that). The royal family had a really big profile boost in 2013 with the birth of Prince George. Among other things, it awakened many to […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Friend in the World – Monday

It was just announced that the television show “Friends” is being released on Netflix in its entirety. Apologies to anyone who invested in a DVD set. To be honest, it wasn’t my favourite show at the time, I was way more into Seinfeld. But I watched, and so did everyone else. It was a trendsetting […]
Jesus: The Light of the World – Monday

My family lived in the city before moving to the suburbs. We were used to closing blinds, and still having light stream in. There were streetlights, houses, buses, cars and more. There were a few times where power went out in the night. I would wake up, probably from a smoke alarm chirping, and realize […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Prophet in the World – Monday

When you hear the word, prophet, what do you think about? A fortuneteller? Nostradamus? Have you ever heard someone claim to be a prophet? How did you react? Just before I started in my first church, a man was arrested nearby after shooting a police officer, claiming he was acting on God’s instructions as the […]
Jesus: The Most Powerful Man in the World – Monday

There was a story earlier this year of a father and his fourteen year old daughter sailing from Burlington to Hamilton on a catamaran. Even though he was an experienced sailor, he underestimated the strength of the wind, and found himself in trouble after the boat capsized, then turned completely upside down. They found themselves […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Priest in the World – Monday

When we do something wrong, we’re used the idea of punishment. Some parents might take away treats from children, or give them timeouts, or a stern talking-to. When we get caught speeding, we expect a fine, or demerit points. When someone commits a crime, they can expect punishment in terms of fines, jail time, community […]
Monday – A New Idea – Foundation

In 2009, an entire 13 storey building toppled over in China, killing a construction worker, and leaving homeless hundreds of new tenants who thought they were about to move in to a brand new building. What’s striking about the images is that the building looks modern. It’s not visibly dilapidated. The contractors did all the […]
Monday – A New Idea – Forgiver

I remember a month where I’d made a number of purchases on my credit card. I had the cash to pay it off – I was just using the credit card to earn points. But I went and paid the wrong credit card, and didn’t notice until it was too late. The entire amount was […]
Monday – A New Idea – Teacher

A friend of mine went to a seminary on the west coast to become a minister, and was thrilled to have studied under a really well known professor. He’d written books of all kinds, edited magazines, pastored churches, taught classes. One of the best known Christians in the world. I honestly didn’t know that much about him before […]
Monday – A New Idea – Revolutionary

We’re continuing our new series today, called Jesus: The Most Interesting Man in the World. What kind of man can be a shepherd, a revolutionary, a prophet, a king, a teacher, and more? We’ll be studying 14 characteristics of Jesus, far more than most people could ever possess. We’ll be building up to the last […]
Monday – A New Idea – Shepherd

We’re starting a new series today, called Jesus: The Most Interesting Man in the World. Jesus has been called all kinds of things, and has done all kinds of things. They are not coincidental, nor disconnected. They’re all part of one person. What kind of man can be a shepherd, a revolutionary, a prophet, a […]