Jesus Is…Crucified – Monday

Why do you think Jesus wanted to be seen as an anti-hero? What might the people have learned from his strange entrance to the city?
Jesus Is…Forgiving – Monday

Why do you think forgiveness is so important in our world? Who has explicitly forgiven you for a wrong, and what was that experience like? What does Jesus have to do with forgiveness, and how did he tell that story? We’ll explore his greatest illustration of forgiveness this week in a well known story from the Bible.
Jesus Is…Love – Monday

Define love. How do you experience it, and how do you show it? How do you think Jesus would define it? The answer might surprise you.
Jesus Is…Worth Following – Monday

What have you seen “go viral” over the years? What do you remember gaining popularity rapidly before social media? Did Jesus go viral, and if he did, why? Was it a crowd-pleasing message, or a challenge to the status quo?
Jesus Is…Transfigured – Monday

What experiences have you found difficult to describe in words? What other ways have you shared the experience with others? Jesus had something important to share with his followers – so important he couldn’t use words – he had to use himself.
Jesus Is…Rejected – Monday

Have you heard someone say “no prophet is welcome in his hometown” or something similar? Did they, or you, realize this was a Jesus quote? This week we’ll explore the story where Jesus tried to go home, and ended up leaving in frustration. He was rejected at home…a sign of more rejection to come?
Jesus Is…Teacher – Monday

What good teachers do you recall? Was it because of their teaching skills, or other qualities? Jesus was great as a teacher, but memorable because he was much more than a teacher. We’ll explore one story where he revealed his true identity with just a few words.
Jesus Is…God – Monday

What important meeting, event or exam have you missed, that should have been obvious? Believe it or not, lots of people missed something even more important – when God stood right in front of them! They were looking for all the wrong things – are you?
Jesus Is…Human – Monday

Our series at the end of 2015, “God Is…” ended with the wonderful news that God is Here – as Jesus Christ. Our new series for 2016 picks right up on that theme, and is titled “Jesus Is…”! We’ll be learning about Jesus from some key stories in the Bible, beginning with Jesus’ humanity.
Epiphany: New Learnings for the Wise – Monday

As you might have guessed, we’ll look at the story of the Magi or wise men who visited Jesus. They are unexpected worshippers of Jesus. We already explored how the shepherds were unusual, but at least they were local. The Magi travelled a long way, and they were highly educated astrologers. They are the last […]
Best of 2015 – EPIC: Adam and Eve – Monday

At the conclusion of every year, we share some of our favourite videos from the past 12 months, either because of some nice videography, or some content we thought was really exciting. Enjoy – we’ll return with fresh content next week! We have to start at the beginning, in the Garden of Eden. This […]
God Is…Here – Monday

This week it’s Christmas, and we’ll learn how our world needed (and still) needs saving, and Jesus was exactly the help we needed.
God Is…Coming – Monday

Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the daily challenges. This week’s topic is part of our series called God Is… where we’re trying to learn about God’s character and nature through some key stories in the Bible. Our daily challenges are meant to help you explore what it means to […]
God Is…Faithful – Monday

Have you ever experienced a “disaster” when something you depended on broke down or went wrong? How did you respond?