We Are…Transformed – Monday
When have you been literally going the wrong way in life? Up a down escalator? Driving on a one-way street? Pulling on a push door? Tell your best story of going the wrong way.
We Are…Made New – Monday
What have you seen made new and clean? What was the feeling? Have you ever felt similarly about your life?
We Are…One – Monday
Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the daily challenges. Our daily challenges are meant to help you explore what it means to follow Jesus, even if you don’t have a lot of time. We have a rhythm that keeps us in sync, even if we’re not a community that meets […]
We Are…Gifted – Monday
What projects have you contributed to in your life? Describe your part – how did it feel to be part of something bigger than yourself? This week we’ll explore how every Christian has a part to play in God’s plan.
We Are…At Peace – Monday
What helps you keep your cool in a panic situation? This week we’ll learn how the Bible suggests Christians keep calm in a crisis.
We Are…Protected – Monday
How do people try to protect themselves in this life? When have you seen this work, or not? This week we’ll explore a Christian’s God-given defences against whatever evil comes their way.
We Are…Spirit Led – Monday
Do you think God would evaluate your successes and failures the same way you do? Why or why not? What do you think God’s priorities are, and how do they differ from yours?
We Are…Love – Monday
Have you ever encountered a Christian, or church, that lacked love? Share the experience with someone.
We Are…Community – Monday
Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the daily challenges. Our daily challenges are meant to help you explore what it means to follow Jesus, even if you don’t have a lot of time. We have a rhythm that keeps us in sync, even if we’re not a community that meets […]
We Are…Healers – Monday
This week we’ll see how for Jesus followers, no one is a lost cause. Jesus and his followers bring hope and healing to the hopeless.
We Are…Free – Monday
What kinds of things can bind, enslave, or hold us back in this life? In your life?
We Are…Messengers – Monday
What messages have you been tasked to deliver? What made them important and wroth communicating? What kind of message would you communicate, no matter what it cost you? This week we’ll learn what motivated the first Christians to take huge risks to simply spread the news.
We Are…Changed People – Monday
In our last two series, we’ve learned about who God is, and who Jesus is. So, who are we? Our attention now turns to us, human beings, and what knowing God and following Jesus actually means for our lives.
Monday – A New Idea – Resurrection
Can we trust the story of the resurrection, or is Jesus rising from the dead a fiction? We explore some fascinating details in the story that lend it credibility. Read the Bible in Sync Today [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]