Jesus: The Most Interesting Prophet in the World – Friday
Let’s pray that God would speak and act through us. Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Prophet in the World – Thursday
Some people might want to identify Jesus as a prophet who spoke for God, and nothing more. But there is more going on here – Jesus was also showing in this week’s story that he is a prophet, priest and king. Just before this story, he arrived on a donkey in the capital, Jerusalem. He […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Prophet in the World – Wednesday
This week we’re exploring whether and how Jesus was a prophet, and its connection to a famous story about Jesus flipping tables in the temple. A prophet, loosely defined, is someone who speaks for God. In the Old Testament, they would reguarlly say “thus says the lord” and give God’s word on a situation, past […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Prophet in the World – Tuesday
This week we’re exploring how Christians can define a prophet, and whether Jesus considered himself one. As he entered Jerusalem with some fanfare, people asked who was coming. Some answered that he was a prophet from Nazareth. Clearly, he was called a prophet on this occasion. He was also called a prophet at other times, […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Prophet in the World – Monday
When you hear the word, prophet, what do you think about? A fortuneteller? Nostradamus? Have you ever heard someone claim to be a prophet? How did you react? Just before I started in my first church, a man was arrested nearby after shooting a police officer, claiming he was acting on God’s instructions as the […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Priest in the World – Friday – Reflect
Let’s take time to pray and reflect before the workweek ends. Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Priest in the World – Thursday – Act On It
We’re talking about Jesus as a Priest this week. When you hear priest, you may think of Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican priests in modern times. But these are different from priests in the Jewish world of Jesus’ time. The fact we use the same English word does confuse this issue. The Jewish priests stood […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Priest in the World – Wednesday – Change It
Yesterday we saw the author of the Book of Hebrews describing how the sacrificial system was temporary – all these animals killed, sacrifices offered year after year, with no lasting change. Still people would sin, sacrifice and repeat. The priests were always trying to make things right with God, at least temporarily, as the people’s […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Priest in the World – Tuesday – Study It
We asked yesterday about punishments matching crimes. It seems like a natural enough thing to pursue in a system of law, even if it’s challenging in practice. It makes sense and is fairly palatable with more minor infractions, but when we get to really serious crimes, it gets harder. Think of sex crimes and murder. […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Priest in the World – Monday
When we do something wrong, we’re used the idea of punishment. Some parents might take away treats from children, or give them timeouts, or a stern talking-to. When we get caught speeding, we expect a fine, or demerit points. When someone commits a crime, they can expect punishment in terms of fines, jail time, community […]
New Series – Jesus: The Most Interesting Man in the World
Through fall 2014, we’ll be studying Jesus: The Most Interesting Man in the World. What kind of man can be a shepherd, a revolutionary, a prophet, a king, a teacher, and more? We’ll be studying 14 characteristics of Jesus, building toward the most important one of all. It all starts Monday, September 22nd. New messages […]