Jesus Is…Worth Following – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What have you seen “go viral” over the years? What do you remember gaining popularity rapidly before social media? Reading: And he lifted up […]
Jesus Is…Rejected – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Have you heard someone quote Jesus, by saying “no prophet is welcome in his hometown” or something similar? Have you said it? Share a story. […]
Jesus is… Teacher – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What good teachers do you recall? Was it because of their teaching skills, or other qualities? Why? Reading: And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit […]
Jesus is… Perfect – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: When have been the moments you’ve realized you aren’t perfect? When was it most obvious to you, or others? How did you move on? Reading: […]
Jesus is… God – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What important meeting, event or exam have you missed, that should have been obvious? Reading: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word […]
Jesus Is…Human – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Have you ever met a famous or legendary person? Were you at all surprised to find out how normal they were, or did they remain […]
Group Study Guide: Epiphany: New Learnings for the Wise
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Describe a wise person. How do you recognize one? Reading: Here’s the story of the Magi or wise men visiting Jesus: Now after Jesus was […]
God Is…Here – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What kinds of promises do you depend on in your daily life? What signs do you watch in your work and home life? Question: How […]
God Is…Coming – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What kinds of promises do you depend on in your daily life? What signs do you watch in your work and home life? Question: What do you […]
God Is…Faithful – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Have you ever experienced a “disaster” when something you depended on broke down or went wrong? How did you respond? In what ways is this similar […]
God Is…Good – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Who have you told lately that they were good, great, awesome, amazing, or otherwise praised and thanked? Question: What was most memorable to you about […]
God Is…Powerful – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What is the most powerful thing you’ve ever seen? Question: How do you react to this plan? Does it seem reasonable? Now Jericho was shut […]
God Is…Transformative – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Who have you seen transformed by a relationship with Jesus? What changes did you see? How did you react? Question: Why do […]
God Is…Encouraging – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Share a story of surprise encouragement – who encouraged you, and when? How did it help? Question: Why do you think God needed to provide […]
God Is…Speaking – Group Study Guide
Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Have you, or someone you know, claimed to hear the voice of God? Did you believe it? Why or why not? Question: Why do you […]