EPIC: God in the Fiery Furnace – Monday

Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the daily challenges. This week’s topic is part of our series called EPIC where we’ve been exploring how Jesus is found throughout the Old Testament part of the Bible. We’re reading some epic old stories from the Old Testament, some of which you might […]
EPIC: God in the Fiery Furnace – Group Study Guide

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: When have you had to really take a stand on something? How did it feel? Can you imagine a situation where you would put your […]
EPIC: Jacob Struggles with God – Friday

We pray and reflect on this week’s challenges. You can [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink] online, or by starting a local discussion group! Are you meeting just once a week with your discussion group? You can find all of this week’s discussion material in our Weekly Study Guide
EPIC: Jacob Struggles with God – Thursday

We’ve studied a story this week about Jacob wrestling with God. What do we learn from this? On the one hand, we see from this story that fighting with God isn’t punished by death on the spot. Jacob’s shock is that he survives the ordeal. God let him win! It’s all a sign, foreshadowing what […]
EPIC: Jacob Struggles with God – Wednesday

This week we’re studying a story about Jacob, who had a surprise wrestling match with a mysterious opponent. After wrestling all night Jacob got a new name, a limp, and a blessing from his opponent. I asked yesterday if you knew who he’d been wrestling with, and what clues you used to decide. Here are […]
EPIC: Jacob Struggles with God – Tuesday

https://vimeo.com/120080344 Last week, we learned about Abraham and Isaac. Now we’ll skip a generation, to Isaac’s son Jacob. This puts him right in the succession plan for God’s promise to Abraham. He said he’d bless the world through Abraham’s many descendants, and Jacob is third in that line. Here’s the story of a significant event […]
EPIC: Jacob Struggles with God – Monday

https://vimeo.com/119918497 Last week we saw amazing pictures on social media of the incredible amounts of snow that fell in Eastern Canada – sometimes over 2 feet in just one snowfall! Maybe you’ve seen the same stories circulating of people working for hours to dig out their car, only to find they can’t get in, or […]
Group Study Guide: EPIC: Jacob Struggles with God

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Have you ever fought for something, then realized it was the wrong goal, or the wrong target? Reading: The same night [Jacob] arose and took […]
Jesus: God in the Flesh – Friday

We pray and reflect about this week’s challenge. Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]
Jesus: God in the Flesh – Thursday

Yesterday, we learned about the humbling sacrifice it took for God to come to earth, as Jesus, born a human baby in awful circumstances. We aren’t the first to notice. We see this documented beautifully in the writing of Paul, an early Christian teacher and leader. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in […]
Jesus: God in the Flesh – Wednesday

This week we’re exploring the story of Jesus’ birth, and how it shows Jesus was God. An angel said that Mary, a virgin, would have a child, and should name him Jesus (a pretty common name at the time). Most importantly for this week’s topic, Matthew wrote in his biography of Jesus that this was […]
Jesus: God in the Flesh – Tuesday

We’re exploring Jesus’ identity as God. It makes sense of all the other characteristics we’ve studied in this series. The prophet Isaiah spoke these words for God 500 years before Jesus’ birth: Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name […]
Jesus: God in the Flesh – Monday

https://vimeo.com/114348754 This is our last week in our fall 2014 series – Jesus the Most Interesting Man in the World. Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen: Jesus as Protector and Guide (Shepherd) Jesus as Revolutionary Jesus as Teacher Jesus as Forgiver Jesus as our Foundation (Rock) Jesus as Priest and Sacrifice Jesus as Powerful […]
Group Study Guide – Jesus is God in the Flesh

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Have you ever thought of Jesus as God before? When did you first learn this, and how did you react? Reading: Therefore the Lord himself […]