For your homework, I’m wanting to get you started on a lifetime of learning to follow Jesus, every day. I’ll add something to that each week, but the idea is that you will find ways to nurture a relationship with Jesus not just for 5 weeks, but every day.
Reading the Bible is essential to this, so your homework isn’t to read long passages of the Bible from one book like last time, but to get started reading a little bit every day, so you can form a habit for life.
If you are already reading the Bible on a daily plan, that’s great, keep going! We want to encourage that.
But if you aren’t, we want to get started well, so we use the Essential 100 reading plan you can find with your booklets.
Remember the big story, the six act play, we looked at in the last course? Reading these 100 passages will help you see where that story comes from, that it’s what the Bible is all about. These are 100 of the most important passages in the Bible for you to read – 1 a day – for 100 days.
Start Day 1 tomorrow. You can use the page I’ve given you to read from any Bible, that simply lists the readings. If have also included a reading plan with discussion questions – good things for you to consider as you read, and sometimes answering those questions will help you understand. If you prefer to read on a mobile device or computer, you can use a web site called Youversion to track your readings. I’ve got instructions by the door on how to set up this reading plan on Youversion.
Here’s a video to watch on how the English Bible came to us:
For the visual aids distributed in this class, See Pages 26 and 37 of this document:
For help finding particular topics in the Bible, check out
Question: Where in your day could you find ten minutes to read the Bible?