• season of richness and maturity-reaping
• the benefits of what has gone before
• marriage more established having weathered tough times
• may be teenagers in the house
• emotionally the most exhausting stage of parenting
• the greatest need is to support and encourage each other
• empty-nest stage for many
• probably fewer demands with an opportunity for more time together
• can be the most exciting stage of marriage
• the greatest needs are shared interests and good communication
Question:Reflect on what you've heard so far. If you are in one of these seasons, talk together about the pressures you've worked through until now in your relationship, and the pressures you're currently facing. If you’re not here yet, what do you think it will be like?
Home is a place where teenagers learn how to build healthy relationships.
Teenagers learn to relate through observing adult relationships
If parenting together, invest in your relationship (take our marriage course!)
If parenting on your own, build the best relationship you can with the other parent, when possible
Nurture other adult friendships
Mealtimes together – teenagers learn to talk, listen, debate issues, and respect others’ views
Regular family time – having fun together ias a family helps build relationships between parents and children and between siblings (consider having a weekly “family night”)
How can you intentionally model healthy relationships with others in your life, for your teenager to learn from?