Ryan Sim - June 27, 2015
Day 40 – Following Jesus Starts with an Invitation
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This course is almost over, we have just one short session left after this.
I hoped you’ve learned something here, probably about theology, philosophy, history, and more. But there is more to this course than just learning something interesting.
Think of the difference between seeing a wedding announcement in the newspaper versus receiving a personal invitation. An announcement in the newspaper is not really for you – it’s just FYI, they don’t really want you to come. But an announcement is very personal – it’s for you, and they want you to respond and come to the party.
The good news we’ve taught in this course, known as the gospel, is not simply an announcement but it is also an invitation. God is inviting us to a great party called the Kingdom of God – that’s Jesus’ favourite way of describing the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth – a massive party.
He’s invited us simply because he is our loving Father, and wants us there. Our part is not to try and impress God or pretend that we are someone that we are not…but to understand the nature of our situation (that we are far from God), and that we are being invited to know him again.
If you want to accept that invitation, you may be wondering how.
I’m going to lead us through a prayer of commitment, and you’re welcome to join by praying this silently in your head if you’re ready.
We don’t want to force anything on you, especially a commitment as important as this one. Just be sure to tell me what you’ve decided, and share it with others at your table and in your life! Make sure you tell someone…following Jesus can’t be done alone!
So I’ll read it aloud, and ask everyone to just close their eyes to give others privacy. If you want to make this your own, pray it silently in your head.
If you’re feeling rushed at all, just take your booklet home and pray it on your own at home.
Let’s pray.
Gracious Father, I realize that you already know me and that you love me. You love me so much that your Son Jesus died for me. I want to make a fresh start with you, to put you at the very centre of my life and to follow you from now on.
Please forgive me for all those things in my past that have come between us. And help me to turn away from whatever would keep me from following you faithfully and consistently in the future. Please help me to grow to know and follow you more and more each day. Help me to grow into the person that you created me to be. Amen.
Question: Contact Ryan and share how you’ve responded to this invitation, and learn what steps you can take next.