We look at the role of reflecting back, responding appropriately and taking a long-term view in healthy communications.
7. Reflect back what they have said
• say back to them what you think they are trying to express, particularly their feelings use some of their own words and phrases
8. Respond appropriately
• give guidance and reassurance
• they are likely to remember our words for years to come
9. Take a long-term view
• sometimes any meaningful communicationwith teenagers can be a big struggle
• difficulties are usually the result of a phase they're going through
• try to create the conditions for conversation to become easier, at mealtimes; spending time with them doing what they enjoy; using their love language
• if worried, seek professional help and/or medical support
Question: Role play with another adult. Have them share a typical teenage problem with you, and reflect back what they’ve said. Go back and forth for a few minutes, then switch. What was easy or hard about this?
We look at the role of Paying Attention to Their World, Listening for Feelings & Avoiding Interruptions in effective communications.4. Show an interest in the world of your teenageres)
ask questions about their interests and listen to their answers
treat them as unique individuals with their own points of view and personal tastes
5. Listen for feelings
allow them to express negative emotions
don’t rush in with solutions right away
6. Try to avoid interrupting
the average person listens for only seventeen seconds
resist the desire to be defensive or to butt in and correct
What affirming words can you share with your teenager this week? What one-to-one time can you plan?