Parenting Teens - September 2, 2012

Day 17 - Effective Communications

Parenting teenagers involves gradually letting out the boundaries and giving increased freedom and responsibility. We compare different parenting styles (neglectful, authoritarian, indulgent and authoritative) and show how a combination of warmth and firmness (authoritative parenting) is the most beneficial to a teenager’s healthy development.

Adapting our approach
• Communication not always easy through the teenage years • learning curve for most parents • adults and teenagers tend to communicate in different ways See attached file for some differences! • if we allow them to tell us what they find difficult about how we communicate with them, they are more likely to listen to us when we need to tell them what we find difficult about how they communicate with us • understand that sometimes teenagers like to be contrary. (If we get heavy and intense they will probably react strongly just to give us a hard time) • give them space. Respect their privacy. • don't try to control every aspect of their lives. • don't expect them to tell you everything

How easy or difficult is it for you to communicate with your teenager(s) currently?

See the attached worksheets in the study guide

From Series: "Parenting Teenagers"

Study Guide

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  • physical contact is vital to a child – for boys as much as girls
  • a primary way of conveying our love for our children
  • for some parents being demonstrative doesn’t come naturally
  • we can all learn
  • create daily routines that involve physical affection

How natural do you find it to give affectionate touch to your child(ren)?  Does this relate to your own childhood experiences?