God Is…One – Group Study Guide

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Think of all the things that are exclusive in your life, and why. Would you put God in that category? When you’re really honest, […]
God Is…Holy – Group Study Guide

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: When you hear the word Holy what do you think about? An expression, person, concept, place, etc.? Make a list of everything that you […]
God Is…Saviour – Group Study Guide

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: When have you been helpless, and needed saving? Question: As we read this passage, we’ll look at how the Israelites showed fear and how they […]
EPIC: Nehemiah – Group Study Guide

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What is the biggest project you’ve undertaken? Question: Read through the passage, and note or highlight every time you hear Nehemiah giving credit to God […]
EPIC: God in the Fiery Furnace – Group Study Guide

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: When have you had to really take a stand on something? How did it feel? Can you imagine a situation where you would put your […]
Group Study Guide – EPIC: Jeremiah

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: When have you had to be the bearer or bad news? Why was it worthwhile? Reading: “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the […]
Group Study Guide – EPIC: Jonah

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What options does a parent have, when their child runs away from an important task? What options do you think God has? Readings: Now […]
Group Study Guide – EPIC: Isaiah

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Share a time when you struggled to figure out a riddle or mystery. Reading: Behold, my servant shall act wisely; he shall be high […]
Group Study Guide – EPIC: David & Goliath

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What is the biggest challenge you’ve undertaken? And the Philistines stood on the mountain on the one side, and Israel stood on the mountain on […]
EPIC: David Anointed King – Group Study Guide

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What qualities do you identify with a strong leader? The LORD said to Samuel, “How long will you grieve over Saul, since I have rejected […]
EPIC: Ruth and Naomi – Group Study Guide

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What’s the nicest, most generous thing anyone has done for you? Question: What do you think is the point of this story? In the days […]
EPIC: Ten Commandments – Monday

Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the daily challenges. This week’s topic is part of our series called EPIC where we’ve been exploring how Jesus is found throughout the Old Testament part of the Bible. We’re reading some epic old stories from the Old Testament, some of which you might […]
EPIC: Ten Commandments – Group Study Guide

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: How many of the Ten Commandments can you name from memory? What do you believe they mean today? Question: Go through the list of commandments. […]
EPIC: Red Sea – Group Study Guide

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What is the greatest obstacle you’ve ever faced? How did you get around it? Question: What do you think this command was meant to accomplish? […]
EPIC: Cloud & Fire – Group Study Guide

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: When do you easily forget God’s presence? What visual aid would help? Reading: When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them by […]