Friday – Reflect – Pioneer Priorities

We pray and reflect about this week’s topic. Read the Bible in Sync Today Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]
Thursday – Act On It – Pioneer Priorities

This week we’ve been studying a story in the Bible where the early Christian leaders, the apostles, couldn’t keep balancing the work of feeding the poor and of preaching the gospel, and were dropping the ball on the food distribution. After admitting they were the problem, here’s what they did: These they set before the […]
Wednesday – Change It – Pioneer Priorities

Yesterday we studied a short line from the Bible about a complaint against the Christians, accusing them of being partial. The more culturally integrated Jews, the Hellenists, were feeling that their widows weren’t getting free food from the Christians, while the more orthodox Jews were. If this was happening, it was clearly a mistake. The […]
Tuesday – Study It – Pioneer Priorities

Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the daily challenges. This week our daily challenge theme is Pioneer Priorities. We are looking at how the very first followers of Jesus and their leaders, the apostles, managed to prioritize when they had a number of competing, equally good options vying for their […]
Monday – A New Idea – Pioneer Priorities

Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the daily challenges, and it’s a new week, Monday, so we’ll introduce our topic for this week. These daily challenges are meant to help us explore what it means to follow Jesus, even in the midst of a busy, commuting lifestyle. It can make […]
Friday – Reflect – Pioneer Proof

We pray and reflect about this week’s topic. We pray and reflect on this week’s topic. Read the Bible in Sync Today Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]
Thursday – Act On It – Pioneer Proof

Yesterday, we learned about how, when the first Christians were brought before the ruling council, one Pharisee named Gamaliel suggested the council wait and see if this whole Jesus thing survived or not. We saw it was proof for the authorities and proof for the apostles. Today we’ll see it’s also proof for us. 2000 […]
Wednesday – Change It – Pioneer Proof

We saw yesterday how the first Christians were hauled before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council, because they hadn’t stopped preaching about Jesus, and specifically accusing the Sadducees of being complicit in Jesus’ death. Even standing before the court, Peter and the first Christians didn’t back down, but restated their message and accusation. Here’s what […]
Tuesday – Study It – Pioneer Proof

We’re reading the book of Acts, where the very first Christians gathered and organised themselves as what we now call the church. This week, we’re going to explore a story where the ruling authorities question Peter and the apostles. We’ve already seen this group, called the Sadducees, pushing back on the early Christians because of […]
Monday – A New Idea – Pioneer Proof

We just had a provincial election in Ontario. In the leadup, there was a growing movement of people who simply didn’t like their choices, for one reason or another. For those who planned to vote, polls were consistent – almost evenly split with 1/3 of the vote for each party. One friend asked on Facebook, […]
Friday – Reflect – Pioneer Pushback

We pray and reflect on this week’s topic. Read the Bible in Sync Today Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink] photo credit: Jason Verwey via photopin cc
Thursday – Act On It – Pioneer Pushback

Yesterday, we identified three main aspects of the Christian message that concerned the ruling authorities, particularly the Sadducees. The Resurrection The Power The Boldness This was astonishing for the ruling authorities. Hard for us to remember how novel this was. We’re more likely to see Christianity as something conservative and controlling, rather than as a […]
Wednesday – Change It – Pioneer Pushback

Yesterday, we saw three important ruling authorities in first century Judaism allied against Peter and the Christian movement. We asked you how each group responded. The strongest response is from the Sadduccess, the ruling council. Why are they so upset? They were challenged by three things: 1. The Resurrection …greatly annoyed because they were teaching […]
Tuesday – Study It – Pioneer Pushback

We’ve seen Jesus’ first followers get inspired and led by the Holy Spirit, organize themselves, and start boldly sharing their message with the crowds in Jerusalem, then healing a crippled man. So far it’s all gone pretty well, and you might think they will live happily ever after, but then it starts to fall apart. […]
Monday – A New Idea – Pioneer Pushback

It’s always great to hear inspiring stories of people taking bold and risky steps for a great cause. I met someone with that kind of story recently named Josh Brake. You can watch our video interview with him, or read some of his bio below: After visiting an aftercare home for girls who had been […]