Friday – Reflect – Pioneers and Pagans

Friday – Reflect – Pioneers and Pagans

We pray and reflect about this week’s topic. Meeting with a Group?  Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]  

Thursday – Act On It – Pioneers And Pagans

Thursday – Act On It – Pioneers And Pagans

This week we’re studying a story in the Bible where Paul and Barnabas, two Christian leaders, are mistaken for gods.  Yesterday we heard them pleading with the crowd and their pagan priest to stop. So what did the people of Lystra do?  It says they barely restrained themselves! But Paul was interrupted.  Some Jewish persecutors, […]

Wednesday – Change It – Pioneers And Pagans

Wednesday – Change It – Pioneers And Pagans

Yesterday, we studied a story where Paul and Barnabas, two early Christian leaders, travelled to a pagan town where people worshipped many gods.  Paul healed a man.  Instead of pointing people to the God who raised Jesus from the dead, this prompted people to worship Barnabas and Paul like gods.  Just as a pagan priest […]

Tuesday – Study It – Pioneers And Pagans

Tuesday – Study It – Pioneers And Pagans

This week we’re going to see how the first Christian leaders brought the good news about Jesus to people who worshipped many gods.  It doesn’t start out very well.                 [8] Now at Lystra there was a man sitting who could not use his feet. He was crippled from birth and had never walked. [9] He listened […]

Monday – A New Idea – Pioneers And Pagans

Monday – A New Idea – Pioneers And Pagans

Hi. Welcome to Redeem the Commutes. I’m Ryan, your host in the daily challenges. It’s Monday, so we’re introducing a new topic for our week. Right now we’re working through a series in these challenges called Pioneer Story. We’re trying to read through the Book of Acts, the book in the Bible that tells the […]

Friday – Reflect – Pioneer Pork

Friday – Reflect – Pioneer Pork

We pray and reflect about this week’s topic. Meeting with a Group?  Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]  

Thursday – Act On It – Pioneer Pork

Thursday – Act On It – Pioneer Pork

We’re studying this week how Peter, one of the first Christian leaders, received instructions to meet with a non-Jew named Cornelius, even though he would make Peter unclean.  God gave him a vision of many animals, including unclean ones, and told him he could eat anything now.  Dietary rules weren’t going to stand between God’s […]

Wednesday – Change It – Pioneer Pork

Wednesday – Change It – Pioneer Pork

Yesterday, we learned about a story where Peter, one of the early Christian leaders, breaks his nation’s religious rules by associating with a non-Jew named Cornelius, even entering his home. In a nation with strict rules about keeping a distance from other, unclean people, this was a big deal.  I asked you yesterday to think […]

Tuesday- Study It – Pioneer Pork

Tuesday- Study It – Pioneer Pork Yesterday I shared a story about visiting a kosher home, where they asked no food to enter that they hadn’t bought, just to be sure no one would make their home, or family, “unclean”. These laws are found in the OT part of the Bible, a Bible that Christians say is the word of […]

Monday – A New Idea – Pioneer Pork

Monday – A New Idea – Pioneer Pork

Back in university, a friend of mine invited about a dozen people to her family’s house in Vermont for a weekend of skiing. I jumped at the chance, it was goign to be some of the best skiing I’d ever done, and a free place to stay was amazing. There was one rule.  Don’t bring […]

Friday – Reflect – Pioneer Prodigy

Friday – Reflect – Pioneer Prodigy

Hope Redeem the Commute can help you pause and pray today. Meeting with a Group?  Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink] photo credit: A30_Tsitika via photopin cc

Thursday – Act On It – Pioneer Prodigy

Thursday – Act On It – Pioneer Prodigy

We asked you yesterday what Ananias and the other Christians could learn from Paul’s conversion.  Paul was a bit of a prodigy among the Pharisees, and was on a mission to eradicate Christianity. Now Ananias has been sent to find him, and is scared, since he’s a Christian being sent to a formidable Christian killer! […]

Wednesday – Change It – Pioneer Prodigy

Wednesday – Change It – Pioneer Prodigy

This week we’re learning how Jesus interrupted the life of a man named Saul, a notorious attacker of Christians, and turned it right around. He did it by throwing him off his horse on a Christian hunting trip, blinding him, and leaving him blind and thirsty for three days. Not just a private hallucination, the […]

Tuesday – Study It – Pioneer Prodigy

Tuesday – Study It – Pioneer Prodigy

This week we’re talking about how a prodigy can suddenly be transformed by God.  This week we’ll study a story from Acts that shows God can work with even the most vicious young opponent of Christianity and transform them into his greatest promoter.                  But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of […]

Monday – A New Idea – Pioneer Prodigy

Monday – A New Idea – Pioneer Prodigy

In university I picked an engineering major that was really challenging, at least for me, and I was always in awe of those who seemed to have no trouble at all.  There were some really smart people, who always seemed to have the answers, or know how to find them. I relied on people like […]