Jesus: The Light of the World – Friday

We’ll pray and reflect about Jesus, the light of the world. Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]
Jesus: The Light of the World – Thursday

Jesus said: In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. We’re so used to people doing good things to get noticed. We may do good things to earn some community service, a paycheque, recogition, etc. A couple […]
Jesus: The Light of the World – Wednesday

We’ve been exploring how Jesus can claim to be the Light of the World,a nd tell his followers they are, too. We used the sun and moon as exmaples, one reflects the light of the other. Of course, Christians are not perfect. Jesus was the prefect reflection of God, he was described as the Perfect […]
Jesus: The Light of the World – Tuesday

This passage comes from the Sermon on the Mount – Jesus’ most comprehensive teaching about what his kingdom would be like, and how his followers could start practicing it. We did an entire challenge series on this previously. Here, Jesus says: Matthew 5:14 – ‘You are the light of the world. A city built on […]
Jesus: The Light of the World – Monday

My family lived in the city before moving to the suburbs. We were used to closing blinds, and still having light stream in. There were streetlights, houses, buses, cars and more. There were a few times where power went out in the night. I would wake up, probably from a smoke alarm chirping, and realize […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Prophet in the World – Friday

Let’s pray that God would speak and act through us. Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Prophet in the World – Thursday

Some people might want to identify Jesus as a prophet who spoke for God, and nothing more. But there is more going on here – Jesus was also showing in this week’s story that he is a prophet, priest and king. Just before this story, he arrived on a donkey in the capital, Jerusalem. He […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Prophet in the World – Wednesday

This week we’re exploring whether and how Jesus was a prophet, and its connection to a famous story about Jesus flipping tables in the temple. A prophet, loosely defined, is someone who speaks for God. In the Old Testament, they would reguarlly say “thus says the lord” and give God’s word on a situation, past […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Prophet in the World – Tuesday

This week we’re exploring how Christians can define a prophet, and whether Jesus considered himself one. As he entered Jerusalem with some fanfare, people asked who was coming. Some answered that he was a prophet from Nazareth. Clearly, he was called a prophet on this occasion. He was also called a prophet at other times, […]
Jesus: The Most Interesting Prophet in the World – Monday

When you hear the word, prophet, what do you think about? A fortuneteller? Nostradamus? Have you ever heard someone claim to be a prophet? How did you react? Just before I started in my first church, a man was arrested nearby after shooting a police officer, claiming he was acting on God’s instructions as the […]
Jesus: The Most Powerful Man in the World – Friday

It’s our day to pray and reflect on God’s power! Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]
Jesus: The Most Powerful Man in the World – Thursday

This week we’re exploring a story in the Bible where Jesus is sleeping on a boat, and his disciples are terrified by a storm. When they wake Jesus up to save them, he scolds them for being afraid and not having enough faith. Is he suggesting they need more trust in things unseen, as many […]
Jesus: The Most Powerful Man in the World – Wednesday

Yesterday we heard a story where Jesus slept through a storm on boat, and the rest of the boat’s occupants were terrified. They woke him up, and said: “Save us, Lord; we are perishing.” And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds […]
Jesus: The Most Powerful Man in the World – Tuesday

Yesterday I shared a story about a father and daughter who found themselves stranded on their upside down sailboat in lake Ontario earlier this year. We explored the fear they must have felt, and I asked who you’d call in a similar situation. And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. And […]
Jesus: The Most Powerful Man in the World – Monday

There was a story earlier this year of a father and his fourteen year old daughter sailing from Burlington to Hamilton on a catamaran. Even though he was an experienced sailor, he underestimated the strength of the wind, and found himself in trouble after the boat capsized, then turned completely upside down. They found themselves […]