If you ask people how they are doing, how often do they include the word “busy” in their reply?  We often feel we need to justify ourselves that way – I’m busy.  I’m not lazy.  I’m productive!

This isn’t untrue, we usually are busy!  But it’s not always a good form of busyness.  Negative busyness comes from a cycle of slavery to work, defining ourselves by our work, or becoming consumed by worry and guilt about work.

One inner way to combat this is with satisfaction.  It starts with satisfaction in Christ – I am not God, I am not in charge of universe.  God is.

I rebelled against him, but Jesus has done something incredible, in his death on cross, for me.  He’s accomplished what matters most in life – he’s freed me from having to prove my worth.  I don’t need to accomplish anything to know God for eternity.  He’s accomplished it for me.

This can be remembered with Sabbath rest every week.  Rest is an opportunity to look back and celebrate what’s been done by God, and by you.  You might journal, and pray to thank God for the successes, say sorry for the failures, and acknowledge that what’s done is done.

Then you can look forward to the new week ahead, now in perspective.

Challenge: Divide a piece of paper into four columns, and think about the last work week.  In the first column, write your worries, then your guilts, then your unfinished business.  Now in the fourth column, write some words that represent who you are, and want to be.  Where are the disconnects between this column and the others?

Ryan Sim - October 28, 2013

Monday - A New Idea - Growth - in Discipleship

We are beginning a new series on “Becoming Like Family” as our online community begin to share the daily challenges with friends, and we begin to gather our larger community together. We want to have five main characteristics, and the first is to be bound together by some common learning experiences. In October I attended my university’s homecoming reunion, and reconnected with a lot of friends. Our friendships were forged through four years in a common learning experience. The same weekend, I went to a church where I’d done a student placement. There was personality, familiarity, and comfort there, too. We were gathered around a common purpose, to learn about and grow as followers of Jesus. We want Redeemer Church to be that kind of community. Hard in suburbia, commutning, but we have our own unique way of pursuing a common learning experience through mobile apps, social media, and our web site. Our next step is to become a network of groups, where we build strong relationships with existing friends and family members, where one of the things that binds us together is we are all learning the same things through discussion, challenge, encouragement and prayer. Question: Who was your best learning group or team? What made it so? Coffee Hours this Week: Have questions about the challenges, do you want to meet others exploring the same content, or connect with Ryan? Join us for our coffee shop drop-in this Wednesay, October 30th from 7:30pm-9:00pm at the Starbucks in the Ajax Chapters. Look for Ryan Sim in the drink line, or a Redeem the Commute postcard on a table. If you know in advance that you’re coming, please RSVP here http://bit.ly/1aHVTy2

From Series: "Becoming Like Family"

This series looks at becoming “like family” with others learning to follow Jesus. We're exploring how the church is not a building, institution or event, but a community of people. It's important that explore what church means as we prepare to launch a new church in Ajax in 2014.


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