We’ve looked at two extreme approaches to work: work to get it over with, and work as our ultimate goal.

Both extremes are sandy foundations for life. They wash away when the rains come, parliament changes the retirement age, or markets crash and change our industry forever.

Work reveals our foundations in life – what our ultimate goal or purpose is. Sometimes this can lead to our downfall. For example, in Japanese culture they so highly valued an ideal of never laying off workers, that many companies collapsed completely during a difficult recession. Closer to home, we can see how cost-savings at the Elliot Lake Mall, or the railway through Lac-Megantic, can seem to pay off for a while, then come crashing down with deaths, lawsuits and financial ruin to follow.

We should choose the foundation of our working lives carefully – it will eventually be revealed!

CHALLENGE: Write down a goal in your life. Make two columns underneath, writing in what will help you get there, and what could stop you. Now circle the ones that are entirely in control. What does this tell you about the foundations for your work in life – are they your’s, or God’s?

Acknowledgements: Tim Keller, Every Good Endeavour and Work & Rest

Ryan Sim - December 11, 2013

Wednesday - Change It - The Night That Changed the Powerful

Yesterday we saw how King Herod was clinging to power using violence and fear to rule. Such times were described in book of Isaiah, prophetically, as a time of great darkness. But contrast him to Jesus. Jesus also claims to be King of the Jews. But for him, that is a position he has not taken by force or manipulation, but by right. It is a position he hangs on to not by violence and fear, but by peace and love. This is why he’s described by the Prophet Isaiah, 500 years before Jesus, as the light rising in the darkness. What a contrast! Herod has gone down in history, Christian and otherwise, as a brutal tyrant, a false king who never belonged in power. And by contrast, Jesus is still known as a king. The sign above his cross – king of the Jews. Sing this Christmas: glory to the newborn king. Then he got in the way of a different kind of power – the religious power of the scribes and Pharisees, and eventually Rome, who had him executed. And yet, Jesus is still known today as alive and active in people’s lives. Jesus scares the powerful, because he is truly power. He is the source of all power and authority in the world. All power is given by God. All the ways people exert power rely on God having created and sustained world in the first place. When people who are abusing those means encounter true power, they are afraid. Like an employee who has been claiming to speak for the boss will suddenly shrink when the boss actually enters the room. Jesus had that kind of true power, he scared those with false power. The question is how will we respond to Jesus? Will we cling to power like Herod, or do everything we can to find and worship him, like the Magi? Question: What do you think true power and authority looks like? How would you recognize it? Reminder: We have a great Christmas event coming December 14th, 2013: The Original Christmas Party. Hope you're coming!


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