We’ve looked at two extreme approaches to work: work to get it over with, and work as our ultimate goal.

Both extremes are sandy foundations for life. They wash away when the rains come, parliament changes the retirement age, or markets crash and change our industry forever.

Work reveals our foundations in life – what our ultimate goal or purpose is. Sometimes this can lead to our downfall. For example, in Japanese culture they so highly valued an ideal of never laying off workers, that many companies collapsed completely during a difficult recession. Closer to home, we can see how cost-savings at the Elliot Lake Mall, or the railway through Lac-Megantic, can seem to pay off for a while, then come crashing down with deaths, lawsuits and financial ruin to follow.

We should choose the foundation of our working lives carefully – it will eventually be revealed!

CHALLENGE: Write down a goal in your life. Make two columns underneath, writing in what will help you get there, and what could stop you. Now circle the ones that are entirely in control. What does this tell you about the foundations for your work in life – are they your’s, or God’s?

Acknowledgements: Tim Keller, Every Good Endeavour and Work & Rest

Ryan Sim - June 17, 2013

Monday - A New Idea - The Golden Rule

I'm sure you've seen the posters: Keep Calm and Carry On Have you seen the story of the poster & slogan? Check it out here if you haven't: https://vimeo.com/48907330 It's so popular, they say here, because it's a simple, warm-hearted line to inspire confidence in others in hard times. It's a memorable one-liner, meant to help people get through a war – a time where nothing is familiar, everything changing and dangerous. Life can still be like that – maybe why people love this poster so much. I did a Google search and found all sorts of people offering up their one liner for life. My favourite online life motto: Don't reduce your life to a sentence We'll see tomorrow how Jesus summed up his teaching in the Sermon on the Mount with a one-liner. Question: What is your guiding principle in life?


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