New Series - Jesus: The Most Interesting Man in the World
Through fall 2014, we’ll be studying Jesus: The Most Interesting Man in the World.
What kind of man can be a shepherd, a revolutionary, a prophet, a king, a teacher, and more? We’ll be studying 14 characteristics of Jesus, building toward the most important one of all.
It all starts Monday, September 22nd. New messages will appear below and in our mobile app:
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We are a few weeks into a new series on “Becoming Like Family”. This is important as our online community begin to share the daily challenges with friends, and we begin to gather our larger community together as one church community. We won’t be bound together by a building, or institution, but rather by five commitments. Two weeks ago, we explored commitment to common learning goals. Last week, we explored a commitment to connectedness as a community of small and large groups.
This week, our commitment is to God in worship. Worship is not a word everyone uses every day, and even if we do, we might not sure what it means.
Does it mean to bow down and say I’m not worthy?
Kids “just worship” their parents, older siblings, etc. is that what it means?
Or if you have church experience, you might think worship is something you do at a weekly service, or even just the music part of that weekly service.
Did you know the official way to address Rob Ford is “Your Worship”?
As you can see, there is some confusion on what “worship” means.
Question: What do you think of when you hear the word worship?
Reminder: Earlier in this series, we saw the importance of reading the Bible together in sync, so our new daily bible readings start today in our mobile app and web site.