Jesus-Series2-1024-768Through fall 2014, we’ll be studying Jesus: The Most Interesting Man in the World.

What kind of man can be a shepherd, a revolutionary, a prophet, a king, a teacher, and more? We’ll be studying 14 characteristics of Jesus, building toward the most important one of all.

It all starts Monday, September 22nd.  New messages will appear below and in our mobile app:

Ryan Sim - July 8, 2013

Monday - A New Idea - Foundations

In 2009, an entire 13 storey building toppled over in China, killing a construction worker, and leaving homeless hundreds of new tenants who thought they were about to move in to a brand new building. What’s striking about the images is that the building looks modern. It’s not visibly dilapidated. The contractors did all the visible parts right, but cheated on the invisible foundation underneath it all. It was eventually visible to everyone, as the beautiful building on top crashed to the ground destroying lives. You can find the story and pictures here: The foundation is critical. One architectural web site I visited reminded me that a good foundation carries the load of the building above, including its people furnishings, furniture and more. IF it’s plumb and level, all the other building materials can be, as well. And that makes the tradespeople happy. They summed it up: the foundation is the most important work and the basis of everything that comes after. This is true in life, as well as architecture. Question: What is the most important thing in life? Did you choose this? Why?

From Series: "Sermon on the Mount"


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