Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host of the Daily Challenges. Today’s Wednesday, so it’s the day we try to let our thoughts be challenged and transformed by the words of the Bible that we saw yesterday.

This week, we’re looking at how following Jesus resets our view of food and the body. We saw yesterday how God didn’t give us things in this world, like food, or our bodies, or any other resource we have, for unlimited use and abuse. When we do that, what happens is it can become something to be worshipped. It can dominate our lives and control what we do and how we do it.

Just think, if we allow food to become the center of our lives, if we pursue food to excess … we keep trying to find emotional stability, or love, or whatever it is, through food … it very quickly destroys our lives. It very quickly controls our lives. You just look at some of these stories of people who weigh hundreds or almost a thousand pounds, who are confined to their homes. Food has absolutely come to dominate their lives. It determines what they can do for a living, if anything. It determines when they can leave their house. Food has completely consumed them, even though they thought they were the ones consuming food.

It’s an extreme example, but this can happen in smaller ways in all of our lives. When we take something in this life and we assume it’s ours to enjoy to unlimited excess, it very quickly takes over. It controls us. To use the language of idol worship, when we take something in this life and we pursue it to unlimited excess, we’re basing our lives around it. It’s like we’ve begun to worship as our god. Since it is just something physical in this world, that’s idolatry, whenever we take something God created and we pretend it’s Him.

God has always given us limits on the resources that he’s given to us as a gift. First example was in the Garden of Eden, when God created a garden with all the food that the humans He put in that garden could ever need. He said, “Don’t eat from that one tree, of the knowledge of good and evil.” God gave a limit, that this world wasn’t created for us to destroy and overrun. It was created for us to live in under God’s care and guidance.

When humans went ahead and ate that fruit they weren’t supposed to eat, they were jumping out from under God’s care and guidance, and saying they wanted to worship themselves, and their decadence, and their feelings of contentment, and their feelings of power, more than God.

Later in the history of the Bible, we see the nation of Israel being given all sorts of explicit instructions by God, especially around food. What kinds of foods were safe for them to eat, what kind of foods were unclean. Some of those laws seem arbitrary to us today, but we can see how, looking back, they were made to preserve the Israelite people to be God’s people through history. God had a plan for them, and food was at its center. Limits on food were at the center of God’s laws for that people. God wanted them to know that they were under God’s care and provision, and under God’s love as His chosen people. Part of that was symbolized in how He gave them limits on their consumption of food.

Paul reminds the Corinthians that they were bought at a price, kind of like the Israelites were brought at a price when God led them out of Egypt, out of slavery into freedom. The same way, he’s saying, Christians in Corinth, you were bought at a price.

He uses the language of ransom, somebody paying the ransom, not to free somebody who was kidnapped, but to free somebody with such a debt they could never repay it on their own. Somebody would come to a market, find somebody like that, and buy them out, buy them essentially as a servant, and say, “I will release you from your debt. You don’t have to pay that debt to other people, that now you work for me. You can pay it off by working for me.” Kind of like when at a restaurant, somebody can’t pay their bill, they might end up doing dishes in the back until it’s all paid off.

Paul uses the language of ransom. He says, “Corinthians, you have been paid for a price,” reminding them of that, to remind them that their bodies are not their own. They didn’t create themselves. They didn’t buy themselves. God created them. Even when they rebelled against God, God bought them back with His own blood by coming to Earth as Jesus Christ and dying for us.

Jesus bought our debt for us, paid it off, a debt we could never repay on our own. We so separated ourselves from God through something called sin that we could never get back to Him on our own. The ultimate sign of that separation was our death, our spiritual and physical death being the final end of our lives. Jesus took that debt upon Himself, He took death upon Himself, die for us, so we could have freedom. He paid the price to free us, not to have unlimited freedom and just run off, and run amuck, and do whatever we wanted, but so we could now work for Him. He paid the price that we needed to pay. He paid our bill here at the restaurant so we could now work for Him.

When the Corinthians, or we, abuse our bodies, when we don’t treat them well today, what we’re doing is we’re basically pretending they’re our own. That we weren’t bought at a price but that we own everything we have, that we created it all from nothing, that we’re essentially God. That’s why Paul wanted to remind the Corinthians they were bought at a price. You are not God. You owe a debt. Your freedom was bought at a price. Your bodies were bought at a price. Treat them as if they were precious, knowing how much you lost before and how much you gained through Jesus Christ.

Followers of Jesus don’t have the luxury of pretending our bodies are our own. We always need to remember that we were bought at a price by Jesus. Following Jesus resets everything, including how we view our bodies and food.

There’s another line from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. Shortly after Paul applied this whole food argument to sexuality, he concluded by talking about our bodies in a very specific way. He said, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

This whole body-is-a-temple thing is a common line for bodybuilding guys to remind people around them, especially women, that their body is a temple and should be worshipped. No, the temple was never made to be worshipped. For the Jewish people, the temple was a building where God’s physical presence on Earth was going to reside. God was the one to be worshipped, not His building.

When Paul says “your body is a temple,” he’s reminding them that since they were bought at a price, the Holy Spirit now resides in them. God’s spirit is now in them. Their body is a temple. All the reverence that was once shown to the physical building of the temple now needs to be shown to their physical bodies, since God resides in them and God bought them. Their bodies now belong to God as followers of Jesus.

I’ve got a question for you to consider today and hopefully discuss with others you know from the commute, or from work, or from home. Here’s the question.

Question: How should a Christian treat their body differently, since it is a temple for the Holy Spirit? How can we show reverence and respect for the body as a temple bought by God, and not our own?

Have a great discussion. Don’t forget we’re reading the Bible in sync as a community, so check our website or app to see what today’s reading is. Have a great one. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Read the Bible in Sync Today

Ryan Sim - November 21, 2013

Thursday - Act On It - Grace - in Lifestyle

Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, I introduced the idea of grace with a diagram. We will build on that now, so if you missed it, go back and watch Tuesday and Wednesday’s content. You may be familiar with the Ten Commandments. They are an important part of the tracks that God has created for our lives, the guidelines that keep us from self-destructing. Where did they come from? They are over 3400 years old. God led the Israelites out of danger and slavery, then gave the laws by which this newly freed people were to organize their life together. Of all these laws, the Ten Commandments come first and take most important place. In a few minutes, please watch the attached video to hear the commandments in detail. But first we need to know purpose first, to understand the commandments in their proper place…lest you come away from this thinking that Christianity is all about following a bunch of rules. A common misconception is to make “Obey God’s laws” #1 as if it could qualify you for a life of knowing God. Sometimes Christians communicate the rules like they are number one, having forgotten how they came to know the God who helps them keep those commandments. Knowing God qualifies you to try and follow these commandments…God is working in and through his followers to help transform their lives from the inside out. This was certainly true for Israelites. God, in his love for the Israelites, saved them from slavery in Egypt by parting the red sea. Only once they were safely on the other side of the sea from the Egyptians did he give them the commandments, and call them to live by those commandments in thanks for the gift he’d given them. The 10 commandments answer the question: “How can I live to thank the God who has loved me so much?” Not how can I behave to earn God’s love, or avoid his hate. Not how can I get others to live by my rules? Take a quick run through these commandments. The Commandments deal with two things: Relationship with God Relationship with One Another. The last commandment is unique, since it talks about contentment. This one may seem a bit different from the others, and it is. The others focus on our outward actions, what to do and not do, while this one focuses on our hearts, what to want and desire, and what not to. God is in the transformation business. He not only wanted to see the Israelites as a transformed society, but also to see the minds of all his created human beings transformed in this way. The Bible contains many other guidelines, principles and laws. We don’t have time to go through them all here. Life is complex, and there is not a specific rule for everything. But these principles, the 10 commandments, or even just the 2 commandments to love god and neighbour, or the principle of grace behind them all, can apply to any area of life. I am happy to help you interpret and apply if you have a specific question. Watch the 10 Commandments in the extra video. Challenge: Show grace to someone today. Give them a gift they don’t deserve. Reminder: Last week we talked about worship, and asked you to complete our online survey about worship here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/8TS7K93 Reminder: Earlier in this series, we saw the importance of reading the Bible together in sync, so our new daily bible readings start today in our mobile app and web site.


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