We pray and reflect about resetting our use of time.

Read the Bible in Sync Today

Ryan Sim - November 15, 2013

Friday - Reflect - God in Worship

We reflect and pray about our commitment to worshipping God as a community. Reminder: Complete our online survey about worship here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/8TS7K93 Reminder: Earlier in this series, we saw the importance of reading the Bible together in sync, so our new daily bible readings start today in our mobile app and web site. [embed_bible_passage reading_plan='outreach-forty']

From Series: "Becoming Like Family"

This series looks at becoming “like family” with others learning to follow Jesus. We're exploring how the church is not a building, institution or event, but a community of people. It's important that explore what church means as we prepare to launch a new church in Ajax in 2014.


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