reset-1024-768When our computers get bogged down and unmanageable, we know to hit a reset button to simply start over. Wouldn’t a reset button be great in life? We know it would be complicated, with all our responsibilities and routines to consider, but imagine the freedom and refreshment of a new start in life! What would you do differently? What would you pay more attention to, and what would you ignore? How would you avoid getting bogged down and broken again?

The great news is, in coming to earth as Jesus Christ, God has begun to “reset” our universe, our world, and even us. We’re invited to start over with him, in what he calls his kingdom. We’re invited to start a new life with a clean slate.

What gets wiped clean, and lived differently, when God resets our lives? We’ll explore how God resets these key areas of our lives:

  • Reset: Goals
  • Reset: Time
  • Reset: Money
  • Reset: Work
  • Reset: Body & Food
  • Reset: Sex & Marriage
  • Reset: Family
  • Reset: Compassion
  • Reset: Nature
  • Reset: Society
  • Reset: Death

Follow our daily challenges Monday to Friday for the next several weeks, and invite God to reset your life.  It all starts Monday, January 13th below and in our app and social media channels.

Ryan Sim - February 20, 2013

Wednesday - Change It - Anger

We look at two illustrations of how to apply his teaching on anger and murder, involving the temple and the court. Both require decisive, immediate action, as Jesus both taught and lived. Question: This teaching by Jesus shows us that God cares even what is in our mind and our heart, not just our outward actions. What does that tell you about God?

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