Yesterday, we explored how a church community is meant to be a gathering, sometimes even just for fun and fellowship.

You might think church has always meant a religious gathering of Christians on Sunday morning.  But in the Bible’s Greek language, church had another meaning before that.  The Greek word for church is ekklesia which literally means “an assembly” or “gathering of people”.  But not just for its own good.  It’s called out to be and do something specific.  This week’s passage says gathering together is not just for encouragement to love, but for encouragement to good works.

We are meant to be a preview of the world as God wants it to be.  We are meant to make people say wow.  Unlike the church I described yesterday, people are supposed to look at our community (even at its business meetings) and say, “Wow!  That’s how we are supposed to relate with each other, and our world, and God.  I can see it now!”  They are meant to see the Kingdom of God in us.

Aristides was a philosopher in Athens in the second century and he observed the first Christians, the early church, and this is what he recorded about them in 125 AD.

“They walk in humility and kindness, and falsehood is not found among them.  They love one another.  He that has distributes liberally to him that does not have. If they see a stranger they bring him under their own roof and rejoice over him as if he were their own brother.”

Aristides looked at that first church, that earliest gathering of Christians and he said WOW.

Have you ever looked at a team, group or organization and said, wow?  Why?  Think of the Snowbirds, or a great dance troupe.

Our church today meant to make people say wow…because of our generosity and love of one another, that spills over to the lives of others near us.

We’re intending to becoming this kind of church through our discussion groups first, and also when our discussion groups come together as one community for celebration.

Challenge: If you’re not already meeting with a group, please do.  What act of generosity and service can you do with your discussion group, or family, that will make others in your life say wow?  Think of one thing internal to your group that you do for each other, and one thing your group does for others.

Reminder: Last week we saw the importance of reading the Bible together in sync, so our new daily bible readings start today in our mobile app and web site.

Read the Bible in Sync Today

Ryan Sim - July 17, 2013

Wednesday - Change It - Originality

I know a PHd student who asked this question on Facebook: "How do you cite Facebook?" Researchers like her live and breathe citations. It's critical that they learn how to quote someone properly. There are whole books written about referencing sources properly. Good teaching in Jesus’ day was the same. Rabbi Hirschel says this. Rabbi Hillel says that. At best, a good teacher might come up with some creative parallel, paradox or new insight into those ancient words. But to say something original, that was risky. Maybe you could get away with it at end of your career, or maybe after you'd died, people would say it about you. The Jewish people have such a long history – to make up your own stuff was as if you thought you were better, and could ignore the past. If you did, people would ask, "Who is this guy?" In this case, he was Jesus, a carpenter from a small town. He never went to the advanced schools of Judaism. Lucky he was literate. He was not where you’d expect original, profound teaching to come from. You might expect teaching that was original and trite, or profound and dated, but not original and profound at once. Yet, everyone, even his enemies, saw this profound, original teaching in Jesus. They said the same as these crowds. “He teaches as one with authority” meaning he wasn’t quoting the great teachers of the past, like other Jewish Rabbis always did. He just taught, and people recognized his words as good and true, despite his lack of citations. He hadn’t followed another rabbi, he just gathered a school of students around him. He doesn’t need to cite, because he is the source of all truth. He is called the "Word" of God - the "Word" being a Greek concept of the truth with personality. Question: How is Jesus different from other teachers in your life? What did he teach that no one else said before, or has ever improved upon since? We meet for coffee every Wednesday night at Starbucks in the Chapters Store in Ajax, in Durham Region just East of Toronto. Maybe we'll see you there?

From Series: "Sermon on the Mount"


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