We’ve encouraged you to learn neighbours’ names, stories, work together, become friends, and now your challenge is to find people of peace in your life. Start sharing Redeem the Commute with them. Perhaps you could do the Marriage course with your spouse and some other couples. Or you could do the parenting courses with other parents. Then take Christianity 101 together, and then the daily challenges. Make a habit of eating together whenever you can, and talking about things that matter.
This is our vision, to be a network of small groups who are being the church. We don’t want to be a church you go to, but a church on the go. We don’t want you to just go to church, but to be the church every day. We’ll be the church when we are scattered around the GTA at work, and scattered around our various neighbourhoods, but also when we gather for community events. We started this with our outdoor movie night, and next we have a trivia night.
After that, we’ll have a Christmas event. We want it to be welcoming for local residents and families, generous for those in need, and introduces the story of the original Christmas party. We’re about to start planning, so let Ryan know if you would like to help!
In the next series, Becoming Like Family, we’ll look at what it means for you, and perhaps your own immediate family to be part of God’s family, called the church. See you there!
Challenge: Ask your person of peace for help with the party you’re planning. Then invite them to follow challenges, or another course, with you.
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Yesterday we studied the change in people who encountered the risen Jesus, or who encountered his first followers who spoke about him. 3000 people in one day became his followers! What will change us from busy, spiritually interested people into passionate pioneers of the gospel?
We saw yesterday, Peter outlined some simple steps for those who heard his message: Repent, be baptized, and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Have you responded to Peter’s message yourself? It’s one thing to study it, and another to live it.
It starts with repentance, is there something in your life that you know is your way of rebelling against God? Is there something you know God didn’t create you to do, but you’re doing it anyway? Something you know God would want his followers to do, but you aren’t? Is there a way you are missing the mark, and not being who God created you to be, by putting other things before him? This is called sin, and whatever that looks like in your life, now is the time to turn and go a new direction. In other words, to repent, and to change your heart and your actions.
Here is a prayer you can pray to confess your sins, but be sure to make it specific in your actual prayer to God.
Confess: Father eternal, giver of light and grace, we have sinned against you and against our neighbour, in what we have thought, in what we have said and done, through ignorance, through weakness, through our own deliberate fault. We have wounded your love and marred your image in us. We are sorry and ashamed and repent of all our sins. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, who died for us, forgive us all that is past and lead us out from darkness to walk as children of light. Amen.
Have you been baptized? If you’ve never been baptized before, never shown on outside what God is changing on the inside, this is your chance. Let me know and we can baptize you like April and her daughter a few months ago, which was a big celebration for our community.
Finally, Peter says to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is God’s guidance and comforting presence in your life mission, which is to know and love God, and help others do the same.
Challenge: Where do you find yourself? If you haven’t repented, pray the prayer above. If you haven’t been baptized, contact Ryan. If you have done both, then ask the Holy Spirit to guide your next step. Who can you tell about this important part of your life? Where’s he calling you to serve and love others? Take a step in faith.
See you tomorrow, when we’ll spend some more time in prayer. See you then.