Yesterday we saw Jesus saying the way we treat a hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick, or imprisoned person says something about our desire to join his kingdom.  What is the consequence of this story?

The story makes it clear that Jesus’ kingdom is based on generous sacrifice.  Our motivation for compassion and care is not to be someone else noticing, or that we’ll get thanked, paid back or will otherwise benefit.  It’s not even entirely about the other person’s benefit.

It’s simply the right thing to do, and it’s the overflow of a relationship with God in Jesus.

The deck-building neighbour I described on Monday was also married to a great neighbour.  She was a nurse, and one day she came over to check on my wife, who’d fallen asleep laying on the grass resting from gardening.  This was part of that nurse’s vocation, it’s not just a job to help people in need, it’s actually part of who she is, and what she is called to do.

Christians have the same kind of vocation to love our neighbours, with friendship, words, and also our actions not because there’s something in it for us, but because it is who we are as citizens of the kingdom of God.

Sometimes this isn’t as easy as checking on a friendly neighbour – not everyone finds visiting prisoners easy, it can be scary.  Serving the thirsty can mean travelling places we’d rather not see.  Helping those with no clothes can be awkward!

But this is how Jesus challenges us to dispay kingdomliness.  He calls us to overcome our fears, prejudices, anxiety  for the sake of his kingdom and its values.

Q: List the six needs Jesus wants his followers to meet:

  • The hungry
  • The thirsty
  • The stranger
  • The naked
  • The sick
  • The imprisoned.

Who do you naturally have the most compassion for?  Who do you find most challenging to show compassion for?  Why?

Remember, we meet for coffee every Wednesday night at Starbucks in the Chapters Store in Ajax, in Durham Region just East of Toronto.  Maybe we’ll see you there?

Ryan Sim - June 26, 2013

Wednesday - Change It - Influences

We're looking at identifying good or bad spiritual influences in our lives. We looked at two tests or "fruit" yesterday, today we see two more. They are Short-Lived 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Jesus is saying that false teaching is like a tree with bad fruit…it’s best use is as firewood… It has no lasting value…no help for the future. Just a little warm glow while it lasts, then it’s gone forever. This is why we so often go from false teaching to teaching…so many spiritual books at the bookstore - they never truly satisfy, or last. We are sometimes tempted to say…it’s okay. I know it’s not true, but it’s fun, or it makes me feel good and inspired to read it. But they are not harmless. This is like saying you’ll keep a dead tree standing, just in case you need it for firewood some day. False teachings are dangerous, because they get inside our heads and hearts. They can suck up our time, energy, devotion, everything. They can consume us. Better to cut the tree down and have a big bonfire today. Motives This is the difference between a wolf and a lost sheep who’s wandered away…Jesus points us to the inner motivation, as he did over and over again in the Sermon on the Mount. He says a wolf is ravenous…so hungry, he/she will do anything to get their desire, whether they are hungry for control, power, money, fame, etc. Wolves exist, since the first church was established, there have been those who’ve sought personal gain from Jesus & church, and they still exist today… But if you are truly seeking to follow Jesus, you can probably identify some times you’ve strayed towards a false prophet too. We’ve all been there. I know I’ve read, and really liked, things in the past. But later, as I grew as a follower of Jesus, realized they were not helpful at all. Wish someone had told me: you deserve better….the real thing earlier. It's good to recognize you’re not always right, gone astray, and decided to pursue the truth. You should be much more concerned if you were completely certain of your own righteousness and thought you had nothing to learn. Question: Who has been a negative spiritual influence in your life? Did they seem more like a sinister wolf, or a misguided, lost sheep?

From Series: "Sermon on the Mount"


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