Last week, I shared that a 2005 StatsCan study revealed 61 per cent of rural residents knew all of their neighbours, but only 16 per cent of those living in major urban centres did.
This isn’t terribly surprising. Do you have a hard time remembering names in the first place? I certainly do, even though I know I shouldn’t. Sometimes I forget the moment someone tells me…I was too busy thinking about what to say next!
But names are important. According to a Lifehacker blog post, “a person’s own name is the single most important word to him/her; it is intimately tied to his/her identity as an individual. How you deal with people’s names can have a profound effect on their impressions of you: Think about the times you’ve felt special when someone you admired addressed you by your name in a sincere tone; or think about the times when you’ve felt belittled when someone negligently called you by the wrong name, or worse, maliciously made fun of your name in front of you.”
But something so important is also so easily forgotten. Sometimes it’s physiology, since “names are among the first things to go as our brains begin shrinking — by about half of one per cent annually — starting as early as our thirties.”
People come up with all kinds of strategies for remembering names. Personally, I write the name down as soon as I can, since it helps me most to see the name in print somewhere. It works for me, but maybe not you.
Question: How well do you remember names? What strategies help you?
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I used to be really good at resting.
I rock climbed, mountain biked, went running. I went to movies, read books, relaxed at home. Then I got a job! It became a lot harder when I was no longer a student.
Add to that that pressures of family life - marriage and children - and it's even harder to rest at all, much less daily, weekly, yearly and beyond.
So how do you carve that out and protect it?
We asked Jerry, a friend of RTC and a business owner, how he does it.
Be sure to catch his interview on video or audio.
For Jerry, maintaining daily, weekly and less frequent rhythms of rest is a witness to others - they know when your store is closed, and it says something about the values of the family behind the business. It also teaches his family what's important to him and his wife. They are not just about money, there is much more to their life.
Challenge: Find at least four other people in your line of work, and ask them how they handle their need for rest, leisure and restoration. Ask them how that looks on a weekly basis, and throughout the year. Then ask them to keep you accountable.
Just in time for summer's blend of work and rest, Redeem the Commute is starting a new series of daily challenges to help busy people restore life to the commuting lifestyle. This seven week series will look at the meaning and purpose of work, rest, and ancient practices that have helped followers of Jesus to keep the two in perspective and balance for centuries.